cuz it's His timing
So I got baptised a short while back. Never been before. I've learned that the act does not save you, it simply a public declaration of your faith. And since the Internet is pretty public, I thought a blog entry was appropriate:
It's tough beliving in God. Especially in the Seattle area. And it's even harder living the way God wants you to live. I can't begin to count the times I've screwed it up. But I'm not alone.
And it's so rediculously cool to be forgiven. To not have guilt. And it's comforting to have hope, that a new life of pure happiness is right around the corner. That the creator of the universe and I can be really tight. There is no price I need to pay to get this forgiveness, and nothing I can do to earn it. I just need to accept it.
That's cool.
I've heard a lot of people say that religion and Christianity are a crutch or a weakness. Some type of artificial, flowery, realtionship we create out of an evolved psychological or emotional urge that human have hard-wired into them. Like hunger, we feel hungry, so we need to eat. We feel empty, so we invent the idea of an all-powerful god who cares. And those critics could be right. When we die, maybe that's it. But if I'm wrong and God really isn't there, nothing is lost or gained. But if I'm right, then it's gonna be off the hook. Eternity isn't the type of things that I'm comfortable being "middle-of-the-road" on. So I don't want there to be any confusion about who I'm lining up my life with.
So that's why I got baptised.
You were never baptised before? I didn't know that. Live with a guy for 3 years, and then find out he's not even baptized. I can't believe we used the same shower for 3 years with your unclean unbaptized ass. If you would have died in a car accident during that time, you would have gone straight to purgatory.
i'm not sure that i've ever read two paragraphs about baptism and faith explained any more clear and concise than you've put them here. Congrats man! I'm really happy for ya.
On a less serious (or should i say more serious) note, we now have to purify gerken...if you know what I mean...and I think you do. A small yet painful procedure.
I got baptized when I was 17. It is a life-changing experience. Though it doesn't "save" you, the public declaration element of it, I feel, does get God's attention. After I got baptized God would not let go of me--even when I wanted him to. Rob and Slager were around during those years and I know God used them in the Kruse-keeping effort.
PS: Rob, I don't like you very much.
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